Connect to LIMS Project PartnerWho we are and what we do
LIMS Project Partner is founded by Louis Uunk, managing director and senior consultant of LUFC LabConsultants (LUFC). LUFC started 15 years ago as a vendor-neutral LIMS and laboratory specialist.
LUFC LabConsultants successfully completed more than 60 "LIMS" projects and grew towards vendor-neutral "LIMS" selection support & coaching market-leader in the Benelux.
LIMS Project Partner is the vendor-neutral consultancy/coaching branch of LUFC LabConsultants. We provide "LIMS" knowledge and experience and hands-on support to both laboratories and vendors.
LIMS Project Partner's goal is to increase project success rate through its proven LIMS selection & implementation project approach. Our experience from more than 60 LIMS projects is used to help both laboratories and vendors to reach the best outcome within scope-time-budget.
LIMS Project Partner wants to stimulate customers to become more self-reliant and achieve a knowledge level that enables them to become an equivalent project partner. LIMS Project Partner helps end-customers to achieve this through dedicated coaching, training and hands-on consultancy.
The last 15 years we saw many different vendors and vendor software solutions. On a regular basis we saw that very capable software solutions were unsuccessful due to either the way the vendor-sales approached the solution selection stage or due to the software implementation approach. LIMS Project Partner sees a role for a neutral partner to help vendors (and customers) to coach them towards a better project outcome.
Knowledge & Experience
How we are able to do what we do

Founder LIMS Project Partner
Louis studied Chemical Technology at the Technical University Twente in the Netherlands. After his studies he landed in Eindhoven with Philips Research and studied various analytical laboratory techniques for many years. After working, in various positions, for a few laboratory instrument vendors. Louis switched to laboratory informatics in 2000 and became an expert in software solutions like LIMS, ELN, SDMS and CDS. He performed in several roles like support, (pre-)sales and project management.
In 2009 Louis founded LUFC LabConsultants, a vendor-neutral network company with highly experienced laboratory & laboratory informatics experts. Louis mainly focussed on laboratory informatics (LIMS, ELN, SDMS) selection projects and coached/supported many customers towards the software/vendor solution best fitting their requirements.

Why LIMS Project Partner?
Based on more than 60 "LIMS" projects, Louis gained valuable insights on the strengths and limitations of many LIMS software solutions, software vendors and laboratory customers. It became more and more clear which factors are most important to be able to successfully select and implement a laboratory information management solution. Both laboratory customers and vendors are needed to perform at their best to successfully complete these potentially complex projects.
In more than 60 projects, we saw many different vendors and vendor software solutions. On a regular basis we saw that very capable software solutions were unsuccessful due to either the way the vendor-sales approached the solution selection stage or due to the software implementation approach. LIMS Project Partner sees a role for a neutral partner to help vendors (and customers) to coach them towards a better project outcome.
In all the projects we did, we worked with many different laboratories and project teams out of almost all market sectors, from heavily regulated to research-driven. We however noticed many similarities in stengths and limitations when it comes to running a complex project like a "LIMS" selection and implementation. We encounter the same pitfalls over and over, which can be overcome by involving an experienced and knowledgeable coach/consultant.
The issues at both laboratory and vendor teams unfortunately still cause many "LIMS" projects to go over time & budget on a regular basis resulting in unsatisfactory projects results and many frustrations at all parties concerned.
A condition for significantly enhancing project quality, -efficiency, -cost and -completion time lies in improving entire project execution at both vendors and laboratories. Both parties need to improve and cooperate and another level. LIMS Project Partner sees a role for a neutral partner to help vendors (and customers) to coach them towards a better project outcome.
LIMS Project Partner believes that is is possible to cure this when all parties work together and only have the optimal end-result in mind. We believe an experienced & neutral intermediate LIMS Partner is essential in achieving project success.