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*Laboratory Informatics (LIMS) = LIMS/LIS/ELN/SDMS/LES/QMS etc

A new approach to actively use the power of community to improve project efficiency & result and save time and money!


The best place to interact with other members around the world that are facing the same challenges during a laboratory informatics selection & implementation project.





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LIMS Project Challenges

What makes running a LIMS selection & implementation project so difficult for most laboratories and how can LIMS Project Academy make it easier, more efficient and  successful!

LIMS selection and implementation challenges

How does LIMS Project Academy address these project challenges?


In the LIMS Project Academy introduction video on our website we made a thorough comparison of a few ways you may address the common LIMS project challenges, starting from the selection phase. One conclusion was that it makes a lot of sense to involve vendor-independent resources to close the knowledge and experience gap(s) between customers and vendors. Another conclusion was that vendor-independent resources are not always easy to find and you need to make sure they are really independent. LIMS Project Academy is will provide easy access to these vendor-independent resources, building on the knowledge and experience of LUFC LabConsultants and its founder Louis Uunk, who is known for providing vendor-independent services to 60+ projects for the last 15 years in LUFC LabConsultants.

LIMS Project Academy translated the need for vendor-independent support into a new online platform providing both community and coaching for LIMS selection and implementation projects. In the sections below, this will be explained further.

LIMS Academy services to manage project challenges.
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LIMS Project Academy Community

A LIMS selection & implementation community with active members
willing to learn and share for mutual growth!

LIMS selection community topics

LIMS Selection & Implementation Community


LIMS Project Academy build an independent closed and safe LIMS community platform. The community is intended for active members, involved in a LIMS selection or implementation project. The community is build on a configurable market leading professional training, coaching and community platform. This platform is adhering to all common privacy and data safety regulations, so you can use it safely.
The community is not intended for any software vendors or  (affiliated) service providers wanting to gather leads. 
LIMS Project Academy setup "separated" selection and implementation communities due to the different needs these member groups have.

The LIMS selection community is setup to provide general vendor-independent project interaction and support from LIMS Project Academy expert consultants and not in the least through interaction between members facing the same challenges. The selection community is setup to provide a space for learning, sharing and communication. The goal is to work and learn together to make running these complex projects easier for all members and save a lot of time & money using each others knowledge and experiences and the expert guidance of LIMS Project Academy consultants.

The LIMS implementation community is setup somewhat different from the selection community. During the implementation you are more or less already bound to a certain LIMS vendor and its software solution. Challenges implementation members are facing will mostly be related their specific LIMS (functionality) and/or their vendors implementation project approach/services. For that reason we structured the implementation community around separate groups per specific LIMS software brand. Members will be placed in their own groups to be able to better focus on topics/issues that may concern them directly. For general topics LIMS Project Academy also created a "general" space for interaction between separate groups.

The goal is to work & learn together, so implementation solutions can be shared and we all save a lot of time&money by making use of each others knowledge and experience. This will result in much more projects going smoother and reach the desired result more efficiently in less time and money.


LIMS Project Academy community provides following features:

  • Dedicated online community platform, accessible via web-browser and mobile App.
  • Save online community without commercial influences and distractions.
  • Learning through guided interactive group challenges.
  • Interact online with other members facing the same challenges. Ask questions and share experiences. Engage- Learn - Share
  • Separate community groups for members in the selection phase and members already  implementing a "LIMS".
  • Closed implementation community subgroups per LIMS software brand for sharing and solving implementation challenges with other members implementing the same LIMS.
  • Regular online live Q&A with LIMS Project Academy Founder and outside quests where appropriate.
  • Interact with and learn from LIMS Project Academy expert insights gained through 35+ years experience and 60+ projects in all kinds of market sectors.
  • Impactful communication between a growing independent worldwide customer/user community and LIMS vendors to improve the usability of their products and services.
LIMS implementation community topics
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What you get from actively using LIMS Project Academy 

LIMS selection and implementation community!


A community of engaging members that support one-another, share experiences and exchange information!

Worldwide LIMS Selection & Implementation Community


  • Dedicated online community platform, accessible via web-browser and mobile App.
  • A safe online community without unwanted marketing & commercial distractions from vendors. Vendors and affiliated service providers are not allowed to join the community.
  • Learning through guided interactive group challenges.
  • A central worldwide community for active communication, ask questions, share individual challenges and needs. 

Access to Independent LIMS Academy Experts 


  • LIMS Project Academy's proven LIMS selection methodology and market knowledge & -experience.
  • Regular online live Q&A with LIMS Project Academy Founder and potential LIMS expert quests.
  • Learn from LIMS Project Academy selection and implementation expert insights gained through 35+ years experience and 60+ projects in all kinds of market sectors.

24/7 Access
Guidance - Support - Solutions - Advice


  • Interact online with other members facing the same challenges. Ask questions and share experiences.
  • Separate community subgroups per LIMS software brand for sharing and solving implementation challenges with other members implementing the same LIMS.
  • Interact with other community members and LIMS Project Academy experts to improve selection and implementation methodology.

Controlled Vendor Interaction

  • Impactful communication  between a large independent worldwide customer/user community and individual LIMS vendors to improve the usability of their products and services.
  • Vendors can be invited to make substantive (non-commercial/marketing) contributions only upon request and after approval by community members and LIMS Academy founder. Vendors will never get access to personal/project information to assure community safety and independence.
  • Vendors may be asked by the community to provide information, however will not be active community members to ensure a controlled commercial/marketing free environment.
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Who this community is for!

A community, free of commercial- & marketing distractions, for LIMS project members 


Register to join

the community when:


  • You work for a company with a laboratory that is currently or in the "near" future selecting/implementing a laboratory informatics solution.
  • You work for a company with a laboratory that is currently, or recently has been, implementing a laboratory informatics solution.
  • You need help and guidance during your laboratory informatics selection and/or implementation.
  • You are willing to engage in the community, learn from others and share your knowledge and experience.
  • You want to have access to LIMS Project Academy experts with multiple years of experience in selecting and implementing laboratory informatics solutions.



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Do not (yet) register to join

the community when:


  • You work for a software vendor (instead subscribe to our mailing/waiting list to be updated on potential future ways to contribute).
  • You work for a commercial service provider (instead subscribe to our mailing/waiting list to be updated on potential future ways to join/contribute).
  • You are an independent external consultant (instead subscribe to our mailing/waiting list to be updated on potential future ways to join/contribute).
  • You work for a recruitment agency (instead subscribe to our mailing/waiting list to be updated on potential future ways to contribute).
  • Your reason for joining is commercial or for self-promotion.
  • You do not want to engage/participate in the community and are joining for pulling information only.

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Pricing Information

LIMS Project Academy Community (Selection Group)

€ 150,00 /person/year

(ex. BTW/VAT)


  • Dedicated online community platform, accessible via web-browser and mobile App.
  • A safe online community without vendor marketing & commercial distractions.
  • Learning through guided interactive group challenges.
  • Interact online with other members facing the same challenges. Ask questions and share experiences.
  • Gain insights from community members and LIMS Project Academy experts to improve the quality of your selection result.
  • LIMS Project Academy's proven LIMS selection methodology and market knowledge & -experience.
  • Regular online live Q&A with LIMS Project Academy Founder.

LIMS Project Academy Community (Implementation Group)

€ 150,00 /person/year

(ex. BTW/VAT)


  • Dedicated online community platform, accessible via web-browser and mobile App.
  • Safe online community for sharing and solving implementation challenges with other members implementing the same LIMS.
  • Separate community subgroups (circles) per LIMS software brand, allowing dedicated functional discussions and problem solving.
  • A central worldwide community to share individual challenges and individual needs for more impactful communication with LIMS vendors to enhance & improve the usability of their products and services.
  • Gain insights from other community members and LIMS Project Academy experts to improve implementation methodology and/or how to best use certain functionalities.
  • Regular online live Q&A with LIMS Project Academy Founder.
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Jan van der Kooi

"Louis's guidance during the entire process has been excellent. His extended market knowledge proved to be very valuable. With Louis's help WLN succeeded in making an informed decision for its new LIMS solution".

Ronald Italiaander

"Louis has provided tremendous value during the selection of our LIMS/ELN. His experience and knowledge in the laboratory information management area have been very valuable during our process towards identifying our LIMS/ELN requirements . Louis also guided and supported us during the vendor selection process".

Remco Bitter

"Louis helped us in a very professional manner through all the important stages. He helped us define our needs and wishes, together we created a short list of suppliers based on our input, gathered all the relevant information from the suppliers. Due to his extensive knowledge, we could make a profound decision about this vital peace of software. We are still getting compliments from within the organisation on how good this selection has been done!'

Jan Peter Heutink

"Louis used a thorough project approach to identify BaseClear's process improvement potential. With LUFC's knowledge and experience, "To- be" processes were drafted which in turn were translated into a detailed URS.   We were able to select a new LIMS that meets our requirements, thanks to LUFC's  well defined and thorough selection approach. 
Louis's support, advice and project methology have been very valuable during all steps of our LIMS selection. Communication and cooperation with Louis were very pleasant and constructive. I highly recommend Louis's support and advice during a LIMS selection".