How LIMS Academy Selection and Implementation Community saves time and money!

academy community implementation lims selection Dec 06, 2023


 Being part of the LIMS Academy Selection & Implementation Community saves time and money and produces better project results! 


What you get for only Euro 150  /member/year!





LIMS Academy is a new "online" initiative from Louis Uunk, founder and senior consultant of LUFC LabConsultants (LUFC). LUFC LabConsultants was founded by Louis Uunk in 2009 as a vendor independent service provider for the laboratory (informatics) market. LUFC's main focus over the years has been the (hands-on) support and coaching for laboratories during Laboratory Information Management Software (LIMS) selection and implementation projects. 
We successfully completed 
more than 60 "LIMS" (LIMS, ELN, SDMS, LES, QMS etc) projects in almost any market sector. 
LUFC LabConsultants uses a LIMS selection project methodology to effectively manage potential project risks resulting from common project challenges that customers are facing. In many cases however this involves a high level of "hands-on" support from the external consultant to manage customers project challenges, which in turn limits the customers journey to become self-reliant. 

LIMS Academy provides a better, more efficient and also more cost-effective way to ensure a successful "LIMS" selection and implementation project in which customers stay in control throughout the entire project and become more self-reliant. 
LIMS Academy developed a new approach to LIMS selection and implementation support using a dedicated online community and coaching/training platform for customers to learn how to take back project control and become less influenced by vendors. 
LIMS Academy's online community and coaching/training platform is available "everywhere and anytime" for the (laboratory) customer to "Engage, Learn & Share". 

This new approach allows LIMS Academy to provide the necessary vendor-independent community, coaching/training (& hands-on support, where still needed) to more customers around the world and improve their project results through mutual knowledge-, experience- and information sharing. 

Vendor-independent online lab-informatics support & advice now becomes available to every laboratory, at a very affordable price of Euro 150 excl. VAT/BTW /member/year. 


Click to Apply for LIMS Academy
Community Membership




Save time & money and get better results 




The image above shows common project challenges that many laboratories face during a Laboratory Information Management System ("LIMS") selection and implementation project.
Let's take out a few of these challenges and point out how membership of the LIMS Academy community would benefit you.


Project Approach & Project Preparation


Many laboratories don't know how to effectively approach a complex "LIMS" selection & implementation project. What to do first, who to involve and what steps are essential and in which order.
The "LIMS" project & experience gap between customers (laboratories) and software vendors often causes customers to take the "short" way out and contact software vendors and ask for a demo, hoping for new insights that mostly do not come. This however provides great opportunities for the vendor to control the turn of events. This puts the customers in a serious disadvantage, giving away project control to the vendor who often is skilled enough in sales&marketing to control the process towards their own software solution. See below a comparison between vendor guidance and independent resource guidance.

From the diagram below it is clear that vendor-independent guidance is the best way to go. However, how & where do you find vendor-independent resources and how can you be sure they are not an affiliate for a software vendor. LIMS Academy Community provides central access to real (screened) vendor-independent resources.



LIMS Academy Community members can help you with a proven project approach without any commercial influences or preferences. These members can either be LIMS Academy independent expert consultants or fellow (laboratory-customer) members that have already gone through similar challenges. The LIMS Academy Online Community is setup for members to support other members through information exchange. On top of that, the LIMS Academy Community has access to LUFC LabConsultants 15+ years and 60+ years of insights gained and a huge amount of market knowledge and experience. LIMS Academy will provide you with templates/examples, for example URS; RFP;  RFI;  demo-case framework and scoring charts etc. to give you a head start with producing the necessary documentation. All this provided an enormous amount of time & money savings and project quality gains as opposed to trying to experience everything yourself and potentially falling into the same pitfall over and over again. 


Knowledge and Experience


Common challenges that many laboratory-customers face are knowledge & experience gaps in many aspects of a complex software selection and implementation project. Next to the project approach as described above, there are a number of other aspects with a need for training/coaching & support/guidance.

Just to name a few:

  • How to get management buy-in?
  • How do you build a business case?
  • How to determine the budget that you need to complete the project?
  • How do you define and document user requirements?
  • How do you define and document workflows/processes and how does the "LIMS" need to support them?
  • How do you setup a multistep "LIMS" selection process and how do you define selection criteria?
  • What is the purpose of the demonstration phase and how do you reach that purpose?
  • How do you define a demo-case?
  • How do you make the final decision?
  • How do you make sure it is the right decision?
  • How do you manage software vendors in both the selection and implementation projects? 


LIMS Academy can help you close as many of these knowledge and experience gaps through:

  • Answering your questions daily by LIMS Academy Founder, project experts and fellow community members
  • Knowledge transfer through regular/weekly live Q&A sessions by LIMS Academy founder 
  • Providing examples/templates of aspects below
  • Providing challenges/exercises on several aspects of the project to stimulate cooperation and mutual growth
  • Organizing special-topic live sessions/trainings with market-experts
  • Organizing live sessions with vendor-representatives on implementation challenges (on member-request)
  • Organizing live demo-sessions with vendor-representatives (on member-request)
  • One-on-one coaching through one of LIMS Academy's Coaching Packages (not included in Community member subscription fee)
  • Hands-on project support (not included in Community member subscription fee)
  • New services as requested by members


Using LIMS Academy Community (and coaching where necessary) to help you close your knowledge and experience gaps will undoubtable save you a lot of time and money and significantly enhance your project results.


For LIMS Academy to be able to sustainably provide these services it is essential that the community grows fast towards a meaningful amount of members.

We ask YOU to share this message with your laboratory friends and follow the link to: 

Click to Apply for LIMS Academy
Community Membership


You will only be billed for your membership after the community is open so you can immediately get your money's worth!




Many laboratories do not have sufficient resources to run such a complex project. Employees are either to busy with their regular tasks or they do not (yet) have the right (project) skills. In many case this delays a necessary step towards further automation of the workflows and paperless/electronic data initiatives.

LIMS Academy can mitigate your resource issues by making selection and implementation project journey as easy as possible. The LIMS Academy Community will provide support during every step of the way, so you don't have to spend unnecessary time & money to reinvent every project "wheel". LIMS Academy coaching will guide you towards the most efficient way of running the project without losing quality of choice and quality of the final implementation result. Furthermore LIMS Academy provides central access for members to independent LIMS expert consultants from LUFC LabConsultants and its extensive network. LIMS Academy will always make sure that these resources are 100% independent.

Our structured project approach will also help you to spend your time on the essential steps, saving time and money and unburden your 'scarce" resources.


Vendor Management


Managing vendors is essential in both the "LIMS" selection and implementation project phases. In the software selection phase, vendor management is important to get the correct information from the vendors to be able to make the right choices based on facts and avoid surprises during the implementation phase. Market knowledge, vendor-knowledge and some psychology are essential skills to have or acquire. Many vendors tend to emphasis their strong points and "hide/avoid" their weaker points, which can be essential for your implementation project success.
LIMS Academy, through LUFC LabConsultants 60+ projects lessons learned, can provide valuable support by group-sharing through the community or by one-on-one LIMS Academy Coaching. 

During the implementation phase it is essential to reach a good working relation between customer and vendor project teams, however the project end-result must always be the first priority. This can sometimes create a field of tension between customer and vendor and in the worst case result in unworkable situations. LIMS Academy can act as an intermediate to avoid and/or solve these tensions and put both project teams back on track towards the best project result.


I hope that by now you realize that a membership of the LIMS Academy Community gives you a lot of value for your money.  


Click to Apply for LIMS Academy
Community Membership Today


For only Euro 150  /member/year!